Sunday, August 14, 2016

Saturday, August 13, 2016

50 Random Questions Tag

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing on this lovely Sunday? I hope everyone is doing great. I thought it would be fun to post another blog tag with some questions and answers. Are you excited? This is called the 50 Random Questions Tag. Alright, let’s get the party started, shall we?

1. What is your best friend’s name?

I call her ‘mom’ :)

2. Who would you throw into the Bermuda Triangle?

No one!!

3. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?


4. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?

Isn’t everyone? Isn’t that what you’re suppose to do?

5. Have you ever stolen a street sign?

Hmm, no never.

6. Do you always smile for pictures?

Yes! You’re never fully dressed without a smile, right?

7. Do you ever dance even if there is no music playing?

Yeah, I do. Like a maniac!

8. How many people have you slept with this week?

None! I’m not slut.

9. What is your song of the week?

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says

10. Do you still watch cartoons?

Hmm, not really. But I don’t mind watching it.

11. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?

In my ass. Nah, just kidding. Someone in the middle of nowhere, I guess.

12. Heels or flats?

I love both & use too.

13. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

Clueless, for sure. Never gets boring. A recent movie I seen called "theory of ererything", I could watch that over and over as well ;)

14. Last person you kissed?

That was a long time ago.

15. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?

No. never! :)

16. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?

About two years ago.

17. Can you change the oil on a car?

No! LOL.

18. Are you dating?

Dating? I hate that word. I am committed to one person.

19. Describe your ideal proposal?

Ooh, when a guy gets down on his knees and hold my hand, at any romantic setting like on top of a mountain. Aah!

20. Are you lazy?

Yes, I am sometimes.

21. How many languages can you speak?

3 and a quarter. LOL.

22. Are you stubborn?

I used to be. But I think I’m mellowed down with being stubborn. Or maybe not. I don’t know.

23. Ever watch soap operas?

Yes sometimes. When I was younger I used to watch Bhikharini(Bangla- written by Rabindro Nath Tagor). Thinking back I came to realize it’s just wow!

24. Nicknames

Babu! or sujana (my family members calls me that),but i have too many nick names like; butterfly, su, suji, dewan_saheb, pagli etc.

25. Ever used a gun?

No never, and I want to for good.

26. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Gosh, 14 I think? Weh!!

27. What was the last bra you bought?

Are you saying that I have man-boobs? Geez!

28. Does anyone know the password to your email address?

Nope, no one!

29. Do you want any tattoos?

No.I don't like tatoo at all.

30. Any strange habits?

Strange? Hmm, nothing really. 

31. What’s the worst abuse you have done to your phone?

None! My Phone is precious and I love it with all my heart.

32. What ever happened with you and your first gf/bf?

First boyfriend? Well, when I was 14 there was a boy I dated for several months. He got caught by me, snogging with someone else. So, there ya go.

33. How old do you think you will be when you have your first child?

I don’t know. I do want one, tho. Hopefully before I am 40? It also depends on my significant other and what he wants.

34. Are you a risk taker?

No, not really. I usually avoid risks. LOL.

35. What happened the last time you cried?

When my dearest mom got sick and i cried that time!

36. Honestly, are things going the way you planned?

Right now, they are! Finally!

37. What’s your worst habit?

facebooking and sleeping most of the time.

38. What’s your favorite thing about your gf/bf/crush?

His voice and his smile.Oh! eyes too! *-*

39. Have you ever bitten your toes nails?

Eew, no!

40. Do you have any strange phobias?

 No.I'm ok.

41. Do you miss anyone right now?

Yes, very much! :'( I hope he misses me too.

42. Who are you in love with?

My boyfriend! I love and care for him so much it hurts.

43. What do you want to know about the future?

Nothing! I like to be surprised. But there’s nothing wrong with planning the future.

44. Have you already planned your wedding?

No not yet.

45. Do people ever take you seriously?

I think they do. I hope so! LOL.

46. Why do you have a blog?

Because it’s a nice outlet to say what you wanna say! Sharing you thoughts, experiences and fun stuff.

47. How old are you?

18 years young! on this 25 Aug,2016

48. What is the one thing you’ll never do again?

Be depressed. Such a waste of time, energy and emotions.

49. If you were the opposite gender. What name would you like to have?

Uhm… Hrithik?

50. Which celebrity would you change lives with?

Again… Hrithik Roshan! :)

Alright, that’s all the questions there is. If you want to do the tag on your own blog, just copy and paste the questions. You can also answer a question in the comments, if you like. I hope you enjoyed this blog tag! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! Ta-ta for now! :)

first post

From now i'm Dewan Sujana, starting write blog. here i'm going to share my life style with many others things. 

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