Monday, May 27, 2019


lalbag fort is the most popular and great renowned fort and a signature of art by mugal empire in Bangladesh. it's also known as Aurangabad  fort. it's located in old Dhaka (purna Dacca) in rich red soil.



THE MOSQUEthe mosque situated in western part of the complex ,align with the tomb of bibi-Pari. lalbag fort mosque is typical Bengali Mughal type, as rectangular plan with three -domes. the mosque is open for all and separate by iron fence from the fort , so that people can go for pray without ticket. this mosque is one of the finest example of its kind, where center dome is larger then others.

THE TOMB OF PARI-BIBI-Of the Mughal buildings inside the Fort, Bibi Pari’s Mausoleum is the most important, as it as a unique structure.
-It is the only building where black basalt from the Rajmahal Hills, white marble from Rajputana and encaustic tiles of various colours, have been used to decorate its interior.
-The 66’-0” square monument stands in the centre of a raised, stoneflagged platform.
-At each corner it has four graceful octagonal turrets, which are capped by plastered kiosks with ribbed cupolas.
-The roof is covered with a false copper dome and crowned by a tall finial
-The interior of the mausoleum is divided into nine chambers including the 19’-0” square central sepulcher.
-This chamber is entirely veneered in white marble and there is a simple stepped cenotaph in its centre.
-Of the other eight chambers, the dados of the corner rooms were originally decorated with glazed tiles of various colours but these have now been covered with plaster.
-The remaining rooms are still panelled with marble.
-Curiously the roofs of all the nine chambers are spanned by overlapping courses of massive black basalt slabs on the principle of the corbel.
-Access to the tomb-chamber is from the south, through an entrance fitted with a stone door jamb and a door of sandalwood, which is decorated with a chinese cross pattern.
-Openings on the other three sides are blocked by fretted marble screens.
-The floor of the tomb chamber is attractively laid out in geometric patterns of marble and black stone.
-The simple stepped marble cenotaph is decorated with floral patterns in shallow relief and its top is carved with the takhti motif indicating it to be a female grave.
-In layout the tomb of Bibi Pari resembles the more ambitious tomb of Humayun at Delhi.

RESIDENCE OF GOVORNOR (Diwan-i-Aam )the third structure in the fort is residence of governor Shaista khan, which two stories building with projecting annex to the west and contains the audience hall and the Hummam. the central hall contains a sunken ornamental fountain in the middle.
The hummam is covered by a dome which originally had an opening in it for light and ventilation.

The South gate 

the main South gate of the, facing the river, presents a grand appearance and rises gracefully in three stories. A lofty archway open from the riverside into a dome square hall, which is flanked on either side by slender octagonal minerates with two stages of oriel windows. Each is topped by a cupola.
the four corners have pillare kiosks gracefully breaking the skyline. The entance hall of the gateway is flanked on either side with guard rooms and staircases leading to the upper story. The southern and weaster fortication walls, which rise to a height of abouth 25' from the surrounding group level, have underground beneath.

Secret Tunnels in Lalbagh Fort 

There are several secret tunnel in lalbagh Fort. two of which use to the now ruined Zinzira Fort of the Mughals located on the other side of the Buriganga. Others were built as mazes, so that attackers and intruders of the fort loose their way on them and starved to death.  during the colonial period, many mutant solidiers of the Sipahi Revolution and also many British chasing them died here. these secret tunnels have been sealed permanently afterwards.

Entry fees of Lalbagh Fort

local tourist: 20 TK
SAARC country tourists: 100 TK
other Foreigners: 200TK

Visiting hours 

summer season(April-September)

tues-sat: 10.00 am - 01.00 pm, 01.30 pm - 05.00 pm
fri : 10.00 am -12.30 pm, 02.30 pm - 06.00 pm
sun : weekly holiday
mon : 02.30 pm - 06.00 pm

winter season(October - March)

tues-sat: 09.00 am - 01.00 pm, 01.30 pm - 05.00 pm
fri : 09.00 am -12.30 pm, 02.00 pm - 05.00 pm
sun : weekly holiday
mon : 01.30 pm - 05.00 pm

Ramdan timing

fort will be closed at 04.00 pm

Eid holidays 

Eid day and previous day of Eid will remain closed

Govt. holidays 

will remain closed


  1. Residence of Saistha khan was At Mitford area I think.

  2. Residence of Saistha khan was At Mitford area I think.

    1. sorry , I don't have any kind of idea about this. So far I couldn't find any info. please let me know more if know. Thank you.


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