Saturday, July 21, 2018

why! we fear falling in love

The thing we call love these days, that ain't love. Love is beautiful, it's a best and worst feeling anyone could ever feel. People getting into relationships because everyone else is, cannot be real love. Dating someone just because you want to get over your douchebag ex,that can't be real love. Being with someone just because you don't want to feel lonely, can't be real love.
 I feel sad how people use the term "loving" in the worst way possible. Yes, I know your ex was a fuckboy who just wanted your body and lie. Yes maybe the girl you gave your heart broke it into pieces. Yes I know trying the best but still he left you. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Travel Check-list

When I’m traveling, there are a few specific “needs” that I plan for

First things first: The bag. Your closest companion and in-flight BFF.
Lately, I’ve been using my favorite bag.  It’s big — not baggy — holds up well and fits everything I like to carry.
Here’s what’s in my bag when I travel:


  • Phone, keys, wallet.
  • More specifically: To organize receipts, cash and cards.
  • Cute and colorful passport holder.


    Because, well, duh.
  • Tablet or iPad.
  • Macbook (with a protective).
  • Mophie charger and/or iPhone 6s.
  • For long flights, a Brookstone, power bank.
  •  headphones,
  • If I’m bringing my cameras: DSLR. 700D
  • For international travel, functional adapter


  • A cozy, reversible scarf or snood.
  • Sunglasses: Whether they’re aviators or classics, sunnies are essential.
  • I travel wearing my bulkiest shoes, so I pack a pair of foldable flats, too.
  • For long flights: extra socks, an eye maskmemory foam travel pillow and travel blanket

    Beauty & make-up musts:

    Because sunglasses only hide so much — and you never know who you’ll meet…

  • Chapstick and/or lip ice lip balm
  • Origins GinZing refreshing eye cream
  • browbar by w7,
  • Toothbrush and mini toothpaste
  •  gentle cleansing wipes
  • organikare Turmeric body butter — my favorite!
  • olive-oil.
  • Make-up musts: Tinted moisturizer, NARS face, cheek & eye palette and mascara.
  • lipstick & lip gloss by professional makeup collection, which are ideal for on-the-go touch-ups.
  • perfume
  • NARS matte lip pencils — I am always wearing “Never Say Never.”


    Sometimes traveling places are fucking disgusting. As a result, I need hand sanitizer and tissues to go — always.
  • Aspirin
  • Vitamins
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Emerge-C packets
  • Tissues (I’ve been using Puffs Purse Packs and SoftPacks — love both).
  • Tampons/ pads, band-aids and Visine are also good to have.


  • Water bottle: I carry one with me and fill it once I’m through security.
  • Fruit and produce if I’m traveling domestically. You can’t bring those across the border, though. (I’ve learned the hard way.)
  • Nourish Snacks: I’ve blogged about these portion-control snack packs before, and with good reason. Each is 200 calories (or less) and made with all-natural, non-GMO ingredients.


    Here are some nice-to-haves:
  • Umbrella
  • Laundry bag

    Of course, we all have different needs and travel styles. Your list probably varies based on your destination, length of travel and the like.

     Regardless, though I hope you found this helpful.
    What’s one essential item that’s got a guaranteed spot on your packing list? let me know.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Top Ten Reasons to be an Architect

As you know i'm a student of architecture department. Now it's my studio-3 and I thought I would come up with a list of reasons why you should be an architect.
1. It’s a lifestyle, not a job.
Architects typically tend to think about architecture all the time, I know I do. Not just the big ‘A’ type of buildings or projects, but every little thing from every where I go. I go somewhere and start looking at materials, form, massing, lighting, etc. If I take a trip somewhere, I start by planning it around the buildings I want to visit. Probably 90% of all the books I buy (not including children’s titles) are about architecture.
2. People respect architects.
Even if they don’t really understand what we do, there is a perception that architects are ethical and responsible and will endeavor to make the right decision to our own detriment.
3. Job is constantly evolving.
Architects are not artists – we have to address building technology and programming.  Architects create new design concepts that push how modern day construction is executed. Architecture is one of the few professions that is never static.
4. Artistic freedom and personal expression.
As an architect, we are given certain project parameters that help guide the direction of our projects. We are then given the freedom to pursue the artistic embodiment of those parameters. 10 architects with the same client and the same project parameters will provide 10 different solutions. Every time.
5. You can be your own boss.
You can be your own firm of one and still be a viable service provider on almost any size project. You can enter contests and win commissions for major projects by yourself – I can’t think of another vocation that can provide similar latitudes.
6. There are tangible results.
Anyone who has ever seen a building that they worked get built knows exactly what I am talking about. I am still excited to watch one of my projects getting built – it’s like having your own laboratory where you can experiment and refine things that you consider to be important and worthwhile. It ties into the artistic freedom listed in #4 but architects generally have a sense of ownership on every project they work.
7. We can positively impact peoples lives.
It is rewarding to develop a personal relationship with your client, particularly when you know that the process will yield a more fruitful end product. By understanding the process, our clients appreciate the product. By appreciating the product, they are acknowledging the role it plays.
8. Experimentation is expected.
Despite architecture having to contain building sciences and technology, the final abstract product does not have a definitively right or wrong answer. Because no two architects will ever come up with the exact same solution given an identical set of parameters, there is a liberating sense that you are here for the purpose of imparting your own personality on the project. We are expected to try new things, explore different materials, and incorporate emerging technologies into every project.
9. Longevity of Career.
You can practice the profession of architecture for as long as you want – you’ll always be an architect even when it isn’t your job anymore. Most architects don’t really start to become good until later in life – I’m talking in their 50’s. I imagine that you have to come to some sort of understanding as to who you are as an individual before you can start to be consistent with imparting your imprint onto a building.
10. Incredible variety of options within the profession.
Unlike other professions, you graduate with a degree in architecture without having to know what type of architecture you are going to focus on. This is really great because when you graduate, you don’t know enough about the possibilities to know what you want to do. You can float between big and little firms, the role of project architect, designer, or management. You can work on building types from different market sectors like hospitality, residential, civic, retail, etc. and will still be an architect. Your degree will have a marketable value beyond the time of your immediate graduation.
We can wear ridiculous eye wear and get away with it.
People expect architects to be a little bit nerd mixed with creative artist. This conflict of known social paradigms allows generous liberties to be taken with your personal billboard (but you have to earn it).

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