Saturday, July 21, 2018

why! we fear falling in love

The thing we call love these days, that ain't love. Love is beautiful, it's a best and worst feeling anyone could ever feel. People getting into relationships because everyone else is, cannot be real love. Dating someone just because you want to get over your douchebag ex,that can't be real love. Being with someone just because you don't want to feel lonely, can't be real love.
 I feel sad how people use the term "loving" in the worst way possible. Yes, I know your ex was a fuckboy who just wanted your body and lie. Yes maybe the girl you gave your heart broke it into pieces. Yes I know trying the best but still he left you. 

But wipe your tears off and thank almighty that finally you don't have to live in a wrong concept that it was love. It wasn't. It wasn't love if he didn't learn to love your heart more than your beautiful body because if he could see the beauty of your heart trust me she/he'd fall for you like crazy.
Yes, you were maybe the most loyal lover ever, but your partner still cheated because she/he doesn’t even know how hard it is to find a partner like you these days. Neither valued you or your existence
See you fear falling in love now? Because you think you'll get your heart broken again? You can't go through breakups anymore? I want you to know something.Real love doesn't have breakups. If you fall in love with the fear of "breakups" then it's gonna fuck you up. If you found someone who completely vanishes that fear, you got the one.Love doesn't have breakups,Relationships do.
Figure out the difference between real love and their definition of love these days.Love is something so strong that just two words cannot separate the hearts of two true lovers. Love gives you the feelings you never felt. The struggles you never did. The problems you never faced. Love is being at your worst but still hoping for a brighter day. Love is the wish to seeing your partner happy even if you're having the worst time of your lives. Love is giving up every single thing for your love. Love doesn't have excuses to end. It's either forever or never. If you truly loved someone with all your heart and want to. It doesn't fade away. At least if it comes from both sides, it doesn't.
 Love breaks you into pieces but puts them together too. It makes you hopeless but at the end of the day it's the only hope you're living for. Your love will make you cry your heart out but it makes you smile just to see your love happy. Love isn't always the pretty dream you had. It comes as a nightmare too. Deal with that or don't ever fall in love. If you want the beautiful dreams, you have to overcome the nightmares too. Love is something you find in someone's smallest deeds for you. How they smile. How they do their work, how their slightest thing you always notice and fall in love with. How you love them despite being a mess. A complete psycho who has anger issues and throws all of them at you
A person who's hard to understand. A person who's an introvert and keeps things to themselves. But the one hope that keeps you together despite having these millions of flaws, the worst of fights, thousands of obstacles is love
The love which never ends.Love comes from need. You only let go when you don't feel the need of them anymore. When you don't need them in your good morning texts, when you don't need then in your happiness, neither in your sorrows.
Find a person who loves you. Who’ll give up everything for you. Who goes through shit and guess what you make him go through that too sometimes. Find a person who dreams to be successful enough to marry you and give you the luxurious life where you both are happy. Find a person who's the inspiration for you trying hard to focus on you and yours future. Find a person who'd come 20 kilometres far walking, just to see a glimpse of you. Find a person who'd make you smile when You’re the one who snatched that smile from that beautiful face. Find a person who'd make you his anything and everything and the one and only person he talks and opens up to. Find a person who didn't care about what his friends thought when he prioritized you over them. Get yourself the person who missed alot of things of his life just to invest that time and effort on you. To make you happy. Find a person who'd make you his best friend for life. Find a person who'd willingly sacrifice his entire life for you. Find the person whom you treasure. Find the person whom you appreciate despite hurting you at times. Find the person whom you can give your heart without thinking twice.
 And you know what? You won’t need to be in a relationship with him. You’ll fall in love with that person I have found my person, the man I love the most .we have all these ups and down still , together. we love each other. 
All I share here from my personal experience, what really works in life. Tell me more in comments, what your relation gone on?

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