Sunday, December 24, 2017

start a new chapter of my life

it was really a busy  Fall semester so that i couldn't write a single blog about me.In my last blog was about my ups and down admission and name bla bla problems. after facing all those problems, i got myself admitted in AIUB (American international university of Bangladesh). And my department is architecture. yes, the dream that cared in my young days. It just come true. AIUB just transferred them in permanent campus, i'm doing my class there. Its really satisfying. every next day i pass here, fallen love with it. Here some pictures of my campus..

It was 26 sep,2017 i start my Archi. life here. From first everyone was in my class very friendly and teachers oh! they are just love. being studio-1 fond them i feel so lucky. i had a lots of fun,drama, learn my new way to solve problems. but still zero! i know. I have to walk long way from here need to learn more.
the day we start studio-1 student number was 35 and after finish Fall semester now we are 31 student. I know more will go. And It's common in this department. Study in Architecture is not that easy or beautiful as their works or project seems like. Being a Architect can be a dream but living and stuck with the word is hard to explain.
1st day
team work |  covered  with stereo foam 

me in saree for the first time in Aiub attending my studio-1 exhibition 
ayeman's birthday party at her place

mathematics fact

1st exhibition of studio-1

studio quantity time with classmates and seniors

folk fest 

folk fest

1st night stay seniors place

fun time

nap time | fun time

1st tour at national parliament house

collage submission day 

late night dinner

last studio-1 class of  Fall semester 

graphics class fact 

fresher's party-2017

late night outing

hangout after semester 

friends for ever

i wanna sleep a little more 

besti <3

With faculty members 
I can remember the day I start my journey from that day I can count what time and which hour I sleep. first week I sleep for 3day 2night late for 4hr. And it was just starting. After that, I forget to eat in time. Nowadays going like owl! like an Architect student.
here I found some best friends, who are just like me! full of love, craziness, positiveness, can handle me and I can do the same thing with them too, cuz we are the same!
here I found some special guardians, seniors! they are my own brothers who were born to another mum. Maybe the reason one mum can't able to manage us easily altogether. they do so much care for me.
today I'm done with my studio-1. I have lots of memories from here, I'll carry them all my life.

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